Thursday, May 12, 2011

Regina Chess Club Open Chess Tournament - junior section included

MAY DAY 2011

An RCC Open Chess Tournament

When: Saturday, May 14th 2011.

Where: Pasqua Neighbourhood Centre, 263 Lewvan Dr.

Format: 5 Round Swiss Style Tournament (no knockouts guaranteed 5 games)

If less than 8 players, tournament will be Round Robin.

Time Controls: Active: 30 mins/player – 1 Hour Maximum.

Pre-Registration email/phone/at club : (save $5)

On-Site Registration: 9:15am – 9:45am

Round 1: 10am -- Tournament will be complete by 4pm

NO TIE-BREAK GAMES – Ties will result in prizes being pooled and split.

Entry Fee: OPEN -Adults $35 – Juniors - Under 18 years of age - $25

If PRE-REGISTERED before May 13th

Add $5 for on-site registration.

All entry fees include a $5/person site cost fee.

ALL RCC Full MEMBERSS receive a $5 discount.

All game will be rated by the RCC, all players will get an RCC rating.

If no RCC Rating established, a Provisional Rating will be assigned.

IMPORTANT: less than 8 players, additional fees will be withheld.

Prizes: Based on number of entries

Guaranteed Prizes: 1st Place, 2nd Place

Additional: Place, and/or category prizes as warranted:

Please Bring Chess clocks if possible - Chess sets provided.

Pizza will arrive for LUNCH after Round 2 – optional $5 for all players..

You can get more information and/or pre-register by contacting:

John McIntyre - 949-2249 –

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